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One of the [[Primary Races]] of The Old World, Esche are the representatives of the element of Water. Rowdy, energetic, and always striving to improve, the Esche are natural born warriors. While many incorrectly believe them to be primitive in thinking given their lack of care towards technological advancement and simple hierarchy structures, the Esche are merely focused wholly on living a free and simple life without constraints to themselves that they don't desire. To them, struggle and improvement is its own reward.
[[File:Esche.png|right|thumb|250px|Typical Esche]]
''The depths may hold no mystery.''
The Esche are a village-based race with scales and other odd features from head to toe. While they've gained a sour reputation for piracy, Esche as a whole tend to be, on average, rather honorable. Their culture is driven by the motive of proving oneself, either by combat or by craft, and the best Esche warriors will tend toward respect and valor over under-handed, cut-throat activities. There are always exceptions, of course, but few would argue that thievery and back-stabbing are not befitting of a proper Esche. Most Esche villages lie on coastline, or in coastal swamps.

[[File:EscheTemp.png|frame|Temporary Placeholder]]
Their elemental affinity is to Aqua.

== Biology ==
== Appearance ==
Much like the [[Vaien]], an Esche will have extraneous traits which draw from aquatic and reptile species of the animal kingdom. The most common of which are amphibious reptiles. Scales, cosmetic fins, and reptilian tails are possible through their blessings.
AN: While Esche will always have scales/horns/fins/etc., the intensity of these features can scale from "borderline human" to "borderline lizardman".
Uniquely, the Esche do not take on any given species' traits, nor do they have none at all. Instead, Esche tend to wield a myriad of odd, mish-mashed features from fish, amphibians, and reptiles. This means that, while almost every Esche will have an extensive set of scales, few will match oneanother directly in appearance. Some may have horns, while others may have webbed feet, ears, or gills. Most commonly, these traits are shown to react to the Esche's environment over genetics, favoring reptile traits in dry areas and fish traits in wet ones.
All Esche are naturally competent swimmers and comfortable in or around water, however they cannot breathe underwater and without rest on land, will eventually drown like anyone else. Their skin is tougher than most, but it is equally sensitive to the environment. Being immersed in water isn't usually required, but a humid environment is necessary for comfort. An Esche in an arid environment will quickly see their skin dry out and crack. Only returning to a moist environment will alleviate the discomfort, but running water over the affected area will temporarily keep them relieved. Strangely enough, they're built more robust to sunlight, and will tan relatively quickly, leaving their complexion overall darker than most races. Sunburn is rare among them.
Unlike all other races, Esche are fully capable of consuming salt water. Their organs are efficient in filtering out the salt in sea water and can drink from the ocean freely. Accustomed to a rougher way of life, Esche taste is somewhat subdued compared to that of others. Their guts are also more robust in consuming ''questionable'' foodstuffs. Though of course pushing things too far will result in food poisoning all the same. Stale or burnt food gives an Esche far less pause than it might others.

== Culture ==
== Culture ==
Esche tend to organize themselves in tight-knit tribes full of self sufficient members. All members are expected to lean on one another, but also to be able to take care of themselves when times are darker. While they may be hot-blooded at times, most are willing to listen to a leading voice if they can see a reason for doing so.
Esche culture is, among the races of Rhyst, relatively special. There is a strong dichotomy among members of the scaled race: those who walk the path of the artisan, and those who walk the path of the champion. Contrary to popular belief, both paths are incredibly difficult, and while only a handful will fall into these motives wholesale, even fewer will make it far. The general understanding is that walking either path is an attempt to prove oneself to heaven, which, in the eyes of the Esche, is something only achieved once you've become substantial enough to break your cycle of reincarnation.
Many have a great deal of autonomy, making the rule of law somewhat loose like that of [[Aiphe]] caravans. Unlike them, there is a single codified 'rule' meant to be interpreted as needed by the group. This is the rule of 'theft'. It is a widely held belief that all dispute comes from someone taking what isn't theirs to take. To murder someone who is not your declared enemy is to steal a life that isn't yours to take. To kidnap and hold someone hostage is to steal their freedom. What little can be said of unified Esche law generally revolves around property rights.
In rare, dire situations a large group of Esche may fall into a Warband under a Champion. Under normal circumstances the Esche will refuse to follow such a massive authority that actually demands something of them like being in a Warband entails. Beyond chafing their freedom, it is considered a dark portent.
== Esche Seers ==
Outside of the authoritarian Champions and the less powerful Elders which loosely guide the Esche, there is only one other 'rank' in common Esche societies: the Seers. Those Esche who were naturally gifted Weavers were sometimes taken under the wing of an established Seer once they'd reached maturity. During this period they would be trained in how to better control their powers and how to advise. They fill the otherwise empty niche of scholar, and are expected to absorb as much outside knowledge as possible. It is the Seers who are most likely to be seen in foreign societies, studying the outside world for what will help grow their people.
A Seer might have several apprentices throughout their life, but are expected to only have one person under their tutelage at a time so that their focus is solely on them. A Seer may even tutor their own children.
The path of the Seer is one of balance. They are sworn to work for the good of their people, but are forbidden from ever directly or indirectly leading. Due to this, Seers are quite respected, but are still considered fallible. While much of the Esche village may be primitive in terms of their infrastructure and goods, the home of a Seer may be filled with more modern medical equipment, numerous books, and exotic weapons. When a Seer dies, their items are generally passed down to their apprentices.
== Ritual War ==
A deep connection with water exists in the Esche people, but there also is fire in their blood. While not necessarily violent, the Esche are quite aggressive and passionate in all they do. This is something they are well aware of, and steps are generally taken to control the worst of their impulses.
From a young age, Esche children tend to fight and spar with one another relentlessly. They constantly jockey for the position of the strongest, determined to be the best of the best. This motivation might drive some of them to become skilled in calmer pursuits, but  without excitement Esche are quick to become morose which is why the role of Seer is so vital.
This competitive streak doesn't wane with maturity, but instead intensifies. To prevent widespread in-fighting and bloodshed, Elders or Seers might call for ritual "wars" to vent this aggression. The chosen tribes will then put their efforts into seizing a designated item from the opposing tribe all the while fighting unarmed or with blunt against their enemy. These mock wars might go on for weeks, months, or even years depending on the circumstances. Minor injuries are quite common, but fortunately deaths are almost unheard of and is generally treated as a personal crime to be dealt with.
== Traditional Clothing ==
Self-sufficient in all that they do, the Esche use what's available at hand in order to produce clothes for themselves. In line with their lack of more advanced weaving techniques, these clothes are generally rather basic in their designs. Most of their work is done in fur, leather, or coarse flax fiber. Ever focused on combat, most clothing can double as ad-hoc armor if there isn't anything more useful around. Bones, metal plates, or hardened leather is a frequent addition to vital regions.
On the other hand, if an Esche is entrusted with a valuable set of proper armor, they often tend to modify it for comfort to wear it regularly to display their prestige in owning such a sought after item.
Because of their fairly primitive clothing, what qualifies for the wealthy and powerful in Esche society tend to display their affluence through jewelry or by creating their clothes from particularly dangerous beasts. Gemstone set rings, amulets, and bracelets might all be worn together alongside a cleanly skinned tiger fur cloak.
== Beliefs in the Afterlife ==
Like anyone else, an Esche's belief in what lies after death often revolves around their individual faith. The cultural Esche beliefs on the matter are as scattered as their people.
The common threads however are quite clear. At the time of death, souls filled with regret sink down to the bottom of the oceans and begin marching towards the shore to settle old scores and slay the living to pass along their pain. Souls at peace stand guard near the shore to hold back the restless dead from wreaking havoc on the living. To the Esche, the land of the dead is a physical place - always bordering the land of the living.
Souls are considered far weaker without a body to inhabit, and so any corpses are given a respectful funeral procession before being weighed down and buried at sea a few kilometers from shore. In many regions, Esche tribes will offer weapons and armor to be dropped into the waves to better arm the souls protecting them.

Only when a soul no longer has the will to continue fighting does it set down its weapon and reincarnate back into the land of the living. A warrior soul that stands vigil for a long period of time is said to retain all the strength of their previous lives by sheer willpower.
== Trivia ==
*When Esche die, they are either entombed with all of their best crafts (to show to heaven), or they are entombed with their best weapons (to carry with them into battle in the afterlife).
*It is believed that there are tribes of Esche living at even the arctic and at the bottom of the ocean, though we don't have much proof of that.
*Most Esche can't breathe water. It depends entirely on their features, and while some can last hours without a breath, others have completely mundane lung capacities.

Latest revision as of 19:02, 12 July 2023

This page includes old lore! It is no longer relevant to the current Verdict storyline
Typical Esche
The depths may hold no mystery.

The Esche are a village-based race with scales and other odd features from head to toe. While they've gained a sour reputation for piracy, Esche as a whole tend to be, on average, rather honorable. Their culture is driven by the motive of proving oneself, either by combat or by craft, and the best Esche warriors will tend toward respect and valor over under-handed, cut-throat activities. There are always exceptions, of course, but few would argue that thievery and back-stabbing are not befitting of a proper Esche. Most Esche villages lie on coastline, or in coastal swamps.

Their elemental affinity is to Aqua.


AN: While Esche will always have scales/horns/fins/etc., the intensity of these features can scale from "borderline human" to "borderline lizardman". Uniquely, the Esche do not take on any given species' traits, nor do they have none at all. Instead, Esche tend to wield a myriad of odd, mish-mashed features from fish, amphibians, and reptiles. This means that, while almost every Esche will have an extensive set of scales, few will match oneanother directly in appearance. Some may have horns, while others may have webbed feet, ears, or gills. Most commonly, these traits are shown to react to the Esche's environment over genetics, favoring reptile traits in dry areas and fish traits in wet ones.


Esche culture is, among the races of Rhyst, relatively special. There is a strong dichotomy among members of the scaled race: those who walk the path of the artisan, and those who walk the path of the champion. Contrary to popular belief, both paths are incredibly difficult, and while only a handful will fall into these motives wholesale, even fewer will make it far. The general understanding is that walking either path is an attempt to prove oneself to heaven, which, in the eyes of the Esche, is something only achieved once you've become substantial enough to break your cycle of reincarnation.


  • When Esche die, they are either entombed with all of their best crafts (to show to heaven), or they are entombed with their best weapons (to carry with them into battle in the afterlife).
  • It is believed that there are tribes of Esche living at even the arctic and at the bottom of the ocean, though we don't have much proof of that.
  • Most Esche can't breathe water. It depends entirely on their features, and while some can last hours without a breath, others have completely mundane lung capacities.