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In the murky past, the Old World was granted with life. Eventually four distinct races came to be known, each with their own patron spirit to bless their lives. While they are still collectively considered human and part of humanity, they still have distinctions which separate them irrevocably from the other strains of mankind. Free will is intrinsic to all of humanity, but there still exists general cultural trends among each race. Individuals are not absolutely beholden to their tendencies, but on average a Hysen may find it more difficult to express outward extremes of emotion than an Esche might.
In the murky past, The Old World was seeded with life. Eventually four distinct races came to be known, each with their own patron spirit to bless their lives. While they are still collectively considered human and part of humanity, they still have distinctions which separate them irrevocably from the other strains of mankind. Free will is intrinsic to all of humanity, but there still exists general cultural trends among each race. Individuals are not absolutely beholden to their tendencies, but on average a Hysen may find it more difficult to express outward extremes of emotion than an Esche might.
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Those who have children outside of their kind produce one of the [[Hybrid Races]] depending on which blessings are mixed.
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Ultimately, a person is their own person. The kind of individual they become is a mix of their parentage, their culture, their experiences, and their own will.
Ultimately, a person is their own person. The kind of individual they become is a mix of their parentage, their culture, their experiences, and their own will.

== [[Hysen]] ==
== [[Hysen]] ==
Stoic both in body and mind, the Hysen are considered the most furtive of humanity. It was in their subterranean cities that the last bastions of humanity made their desperate last stands against the ferocious Void Crisis. They share a synergy with Terra magic.
Born between thick, stony walls, Hysen are creatures of the dark and of the underground. While the sun does nothing to harm them, really, they're still clearly of another world: tall, lanky, and usually either pale-white or soot-black, they look like veritable moon creatures. In reality, their color has simply been bleached by millennia spent beneath the surface, preparing in paranoia of some grand disaster yet to come. They are famed for their astounding constructs and dwellings.

== [[Aiphe]] ==
== [[Aiphe]] ==
Inventive and tied down by little they don't choose, the Aiphe are considered a strange breed. Though naive and sometimes lacking in common sense, few can argue that the Aiphe aren't both extremely useful and intelligent. They share a synergy with Ventus magic.
Ever the embodiment of the wind, Aiphe are free-flowing tinkerers and nomads. They are known to never stick to one place for long, and frequently change homes simply for the sake of it. It's more common to find predominantly Aiphe-run trade centers than it is to find an actual Aiphe "city", though there are many, many Aiphe caravans at any given point in time regardless. These caravans were, in some eras, the target of ruthless theft- but as Aiphe are known to transmit knowledge and technology quite effectively, many cities learned to send protection with them to escort said caravans around.
== Vaien ==
Prideful and disciplined, the Vaien are a powerful and willful people. Equally passionate but in control of their feelings, the Vaien see themselves as above others to a certain extent. All of life is a hierarchy, and it is only right and just that the strong and benevolent reign over others - for their own good, of course. They share a synergy with Ignis magic.
=== Biology ===
Every Vaien is blessed specifically by their patron spirit, taking on the traits of a single animal. Generally this specific creature comes from one of their parents, but the child instead showing the animal traits of neither parent is not uncommon. The Aiphe have only ever taken traits from mammalian or avian creatures. Generally this adaption does not change the underlying organ, musculature, or skeletal structure of the child, but may influence their general build and size. A Vaien with lion influences might be larger, bulkier, and have their hair grow denser and at an accelerated rate along with more pronounced teeth and other secondary traits like tails, ears, or eyes which reflect their nature.
No matter the extent of their blessing, a Vaien won't deviate too excessively from the humanoid form. Additionally, despite whatever blessing they may have, all Vaien remain omnivorous and enjoy both plant and other animals - so long as what they eat does not look ''too'' much like themselves.
Overall, the Vaien are the largest of the races, being almost as tall as the Hysen but without their excessively thin frames.
=== Pre-Void Culture ===
Pride permeates the entirety of Vaien culture. Pride in oneself, one's family, one's city, one's race. This isn't to say that the Vaien unilaterally see others as worthless, but that the moment anyone else outdoes them, the only correct course of action is to outdo them or risk falling to the bottom. If they are not the best at something they're capable of, they see it as a personal failing. In this respect, Vaien can easily show the best and the worst of humanity. One Vaien obsessed with being the best person they can be might eventually learn humility and a great deal of respect for others in their course of self improvement, but that same Vaien might become a paranoid and cruel tyrant in their drive for self-supremacy. Most, of course, fall somewhere in between. That same drive that can make one become a hero or villain can just as easily push them to become the greatest tailor or farmer there can be.
Vaien cities were the most common across the world. With the Hysen constrained by the limits of supplying their people underground, the Aiphe unconcerned with settlement almost entirely, and the Esche lacking in modern architecture, the Vaien were free to build monuments to their people across the world in the form of sprawling urban centers.
Far from a unified people, Vaien mostly organize themselves by their cities. These small states may enter into alliances or smaller nations, but none have managed to wrest control of the majority of the Vaien people under one banner. Wars of honor or conquest are frequently fought among the nobles to grow their prestige and power. The great game of shifting borders, political intrigue, and aggressive diplomacy was one played by any highborn Vaien at some point or another.
Finding it somewhat uncomfortable to consume the flesh of creatures that share their blessings, upper-class Vaien tend to afford the expense of importing exotic animals they share little in common with for their dinner tables. Less well off get by mostly on fish alongside the bounty of the vast agricultural regions of their city states.
== Esche ==
Fierce and individualistic, the Esche might appear similar to the Vaien to an uninformed eye. They, like the Vaien, share animal features. Those with knowledge would notice the distinction that all Esche draw from creatures of the reptilian and aquatic kind. Perhaps unsurprisingly, they share a synergy with Aqua magic.
=== Biology ===
Much like the Vaien, an Esche will have extraneous traits which draw from aquatic and reptile species of the animal kingdom. The most common of which are amphibious reptiles. Scales, cosmetic fins, and reptilian tails are possible through their blessings.
All Esche are naturally competent swimmers and comfortable in or around water, however they cannot breathe underwater and without rest on land, will eventually drown like anyone else. Their skin is tougher than most, but it is equally sensitive to the environment. Being immersed in water isn't usually required, but a humid environment is necessary for comfort. An Esche in an arid environment will quickly see their skin dry out and crack. Only returning to a moist environment will alleviate the discomfort, but running water over the affected area will temporarily keep them relieved. Strangely enough, they're built more robust to sunlight, and will tan relatively quickly, leaving their complexion overall darker than most races. Sunburn is rare among them.
Unlike all other races, Esche are fully capable of consuming salt water. Their organs are efficient in filtering out the salt in sea water and can drink from the ocean freely. Accustomed to a rougher way of life, Esche taste is somewhat subdued compared to that of others. Their guts are also more robust in consuming ''questionable'' foodstuffs. Though of course pushing things too far will result in food poisoning all the same. Stale or burnt food gives an Esche far less pause than it might others.
=== Pre-Void Culture ===
Esche tend to organize them in tight-knit tribes full of self sufficient members. All members are expected to lean on one another, but also to be able to take care of themselves when times are darker. While they may be hot-blooded at times, most are willing to listen to a leading voice if they can see a reason for doing so.

Many have a great deal of autonomy, making the rule of law somewhat loose like that of Aiphe caravans. Unlike them, there is a single codified 'rule' meant to be interpreted as needed by the group. This is the rule of 'theft'. It is a widely held belief that all dispute comes from someone taking what isn't theirs to take. To murder someone who is not your declared enemy is to steal a life that isn't yours to take. To kidnap and hold someone hostage is to steal their freedom. What little can be said of unified Esche law generally revolves around property rights.
== [[Vaien]] ==
Gifted with the ability to scale forests and other land-based obstructions with ease, the Vaien were the first to take over a generous portion of the surface of Rhyst. At one point, they even maintained an empire, though that has since fallen to ruin for various reasons. They, unlike Esche, do not take on random animal features, but rather all of one animal's features. In other words, they adopt a single species to take the traits of, which allows them to better fit their ancestral environments.

In rare, dire situations a large group of Esche may fall into a Warband under a Champion. Under normal circumstances the Esche will refuse to follow such a massive authority that actually demands something of them like being in a Warband entails. Beyond chafing their freedom, it is considered a dark portent.
== [[Esche]] ==
The Esche are a village-based race with scales and other odd features from head to toe. While they've gained a sour reputation for piracy, Esche as a whole tend to be, on average, rather honorable. Their culture is driven by the motive of proving oneself, either by combat or by craft, and the best Esche warriors will tend toward respect and valor over under-handed, cut-throat activities. There are always exceptions, of course, but few would argue that thievery and back-stabbing are not befitting of a proper Esche. Most Esche villages lie on coastline, or in coastal swamps.

Latest revision as of 19:03, 12 July 2023

This page includes old lore! It is no longer relevant to the current Verdict storyline

In the murky past, The Old World was seeded with life. Eventually four distinct races came to be known, each with their own patron spirit to bless their lives. While they are still collectively considered human and part of humanity, they still have distinctions which separate them irrevocably from the other strains of mankind. Free will is intrinsic to all of humanity, but there still exists general cultural trends among each race. Individuals are not absolutely beholden to their tendencies, but on average a Hysen may find it more difficult to express outward extremes of emotion than an Esche might.

Ultimately, a person is their own person. The kind of individual they become is a mix of their parentage, their culture, their experiences, and their own will.


Born between thick, stony walls, Hysen are creatures of the dark and of the underground. While the sun does nothing to harm them, really, they're still clearly of another world: tall, lanky, and usually either pale-white or soot-black, they look like veritable moon creatures. In reality, their color has simply been bleached by millennia spent beneath the surface, preparing in paranoia of some grand disaster yet to come. They are famed for their astounding constructs and dwellings.


Ever the embodiment of the wind, Aiphe are free-flowing tinkerers and nomads. They are known to never stick to one place for long, and frequently change homes simply for the sake of it. It's more common to find predominantly Aiphe-run trade centers than it is to find an actual Aiphe "city", though there are many, many Aiphe caravans at any given point in time regardless. These caravans were, in some eras, the target of ruthless theft- but as Aiphe are known to transmit knowledge and technology quite effectively, many cities learned to send protection with them to escort said caravans around.


Gifted with the ability to scale forests and other land-based obstructions with ease, the Vaien were the first to take over a generous portion of the surface of Rhyst. At one point, they even maintained an empire, though that has since fallen to ruin for various reasons. They, unlike Esche, do not take on random animal features, but rather all of one animal's features. In other words, they adopt a single species to take the traits of, which allows them to better fit their ancestral environments.


The Esche are a village-based race with scales and other odd features from head to toe. While they've gained a sour reputation for piracy, Esche as a whole tend to be, on average, rather honorable. Their culture is driven by the motive of proving oneself, either by combat or by craft, and the best Esche warriors will tend toward respect and valor over under-handed, cut-throat activities. There are always exceptions, of course, but few would argue that thievery and back-stabbing are not befitting of a proper Esche. Most Esche villages lie on coastline, or in coastal swamps.