Court of Flames

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The Court of Flames[edit]


The Artificery is the heart from which the goods of the city flows to both its own streets and to much further reaches, and with that distribution of goods comes a natural sense of business. The Artisans of the Artificery were quick to make their dealings sacred among themselves, and backing out of a handshake deal with one Artisan could quickly see their name tarnished throughout the fiery halls of industry, for the Artisans hold loyalty in the highest regard.

Reneging on a handshake deal with an Artisan is a quick way to never see your goods, and having even the most basic of services from any Artisan suddenly triple in price. It is said that words travel fast - but no word has ever traveled faster than a grudge among Artisans.

It is that loyalty and that plight that binds them together, and gives them the name of Artisan - not Artificer, as their domain would suggest, because they remember the time of the Artisan’s Quarter. Many a gruff-witted smith and graying alchemist will recall the days of their relocation to any joining greenhorn, and to earn a direct apprenticeship under an Artisan is not just the acceptance of a job. It is an acceptance into the good grace and brotherhood of the workers below the city - and once you call yourself an Artisan, you don’t abandon that plight.

Industry grows from the tiniest flame, and one might be fooled into assuming that was never the case for Galvia. The Artificery is no Ward, certainly no noble spire, but only the misguided might assume that the Artificery is secluded below because it is unsightly. The truth is the industrial core of Galvia began as a place of curiosity and creation, but quickly turned into a mechanical factory upon which both the survival and progress of the city came to depend on.

Once known as the Artisan’s Quarter, this burgeoning part of Galvia was scarred by the falling of the star that plunged into the earth. Where they once knew seclusion and peace, the Quarter was shaken at its foundations both from the physical impact and from the responsibilities that they were soon called upon to shoulder. Weaponry, tools, armor, and more was needed to study the depths that the star has cleaved downward in its wake, and only the Artificery could be trusted with forging gear of proper caliber for this task.

It was a call to action understood by the master Artisans, and so over time the Artificery cemented itself as an essential part of Galvia. The wonder, the mystery, and the fear that all the Artificers felt became fuel to stand alongside the Foundry in the understanding of the depths and ruins below.