Court of Mirrors

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The Court of Mirrors[edit]


The Gentry is the political district of Galvia, home to nobles, lawmakers, and merchants. It is stated that throughout the ages it has shifted forms. Its current form is a Republic. Of the six districts, it is seen as the most elite due to the constant creation of bard songs, noble house sayings, and the commissioning of sculptures, paintings, and other expressive mediums to line the landscape.

The Gentry is ever a district in flux, filled to the brim with opportunity and political conflict. Some Noble houses and Lawmakers focus on keeping things the same, driven to maintain the structures that have existed for their lifetimes. Others are more focused on change and the spread of the new. The Gentry remains a political battleground, where these views and many more fight and conflict, always trying to get ahead.

The Gentry is one of the oldest of the districts of Galvia, the home of noblemen, and of politics within the city. The records do not indicate the names of those who first took command over the city, only that they gathered the people up and ordered them to work, some on the fields and food, and others on what needed to be done and where. Before it even had a name, the district of political reform was in the minds of those of the land.

Through every age, the Gentry is reformed and reorganized, and, in the current age, the Gentry has become a Republic, filled with lawmakers who have the ability to vote for and change laws as needed or desired. These Gentrymen, however, only make up one part of the Gentry is, with wealthy Merchant families and the newer journalism faction rising up behind the Gentrymen each with their important roles. The Merchants trade items, ensuring that those who need them are capable of obtaining said items. It is in this district that laws, customs, and duty all intertwine, creating a wealth of information and intrigue.