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Epithet: The City of Depths

Another prominent kingdom that shares Paludrex's blessings among its foundations, Galvia stands beside Highshield as one of Rhyst's beacons of light.

First raised in eras past, Galvia has faced the Convergence throughout the ages. With each planar collision, the city fell to the elements and the threats that it faced whereupon it collapsed into the earth only to rise again upon its own ruins. Walls were rebuilt to be higher and stronger, laws and order were reinforced to keep the surviving generation together and hopeful. Each iteration of Galvia has followed this pattern into the modern day where it now stands brilliantly in a world that has seen the threat of the Convergence ended.

With six districts forming the whole of the city, Galvia is a well tuned and learned machine of people playing out their roles to keep to the faith and purpose that the Dragons instilled within its people long ago.


The Gentry [Nobility & Lawmaking]

The Constabulary [Law Enforcement]

The Arcanum [Research & Academics]

The Ward [Medicine & Worship]

The Artificery [Crafting & Supply]

The Foundry [Ruins Exploration]

United they fulfill a duty entrusted only to Galvia, one that has its people peer into the absolute depths of the earth in order to fend of a strange and mysterious threat that has quietly waited for eons. The citizens select or are assigned to a job in each district so that they might do their part in securing Galvia's future.