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Male / female Demons.
Average Height???


Often referred to as abominations, devils, monsters, and more, these creatures are the embodiments of Vul’karik’s rage. They are noted by their mutated figures and brutal musculature, and though they come in a wide variety of types and subforms, demons are recognized primarily as being entities that have been ripped from the stuff of nightmares. Demons make up a large portion of Vul’karik’s Legions and look to the Void Lord as their king and patron. The Void is said to be the home to a countless number of demons, marking them as the primary natives to the realm of darkness. Though many are nothing but maddened beasts, some hold intellect, especially those that have ascended in the ranks of the Void’s invasive armies. There is a caste system of some kind, one that is closely tied with a demon’s rank and standing within the Void, but humans have yet to study them long enough to truly understand it.



Demons march along a given path through their racials, gaining a new "tier" every so often that allows them to further this bloody evolution. At level 50, choose between different types of Chitin Plating- should you pick the defensive option, you'll be locked out of using your chestplate slot, but you'll be given a Chitin Chestplate as compensation.

While it might not advance your base stats as ordinary armor would, you'll instead gain Armor and Resilience per enemy you face in combat, giving you an inherent defense against ganks and multi-person fights.

At the end of your evolutionary stages- level 70+- you gain the ability to call forth a Blood Weapon that heeds your call and your call alone. Each Blood Weapon has a unique take on its category of weapon and, should you reach level 90 and apply, can be upgraded via Blood Bond. A Bloodbound Weapon bears the soul of the Demon and, while enormously powerful, can be used to seal it away semi-permanently.

Beware, for these weapons can be unsealed at great cost to the sanctity of the unsealer's mind and body.




