Kal Azulans

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Kal Azulans
Average Height???


The green-skinned natives of a far-off continent ravaged by death and... undeath. They're storied experts in the art of not being slain by the efforts of the Void, and bring their mythos to Sarea in full. They bear three societal sects that divide them: the Resolute, the Deft, and the Spirited. Each has their own role to play, and their own appearance to decide.



The Taut

Of the Aiphe who eventually came to settle within Kal Azul, one group chose to reconsider their ethos. Not long after the first settlement within the Blasted Steppes, a once-in-a-hundred-years tornado formed in the desert, its interference stirring the winds of the region and pushing them randomly in every which way. In accordance with their culture, the Aiphe travelled from place to place, rapidly and erratically. Most did so until the winds settled, ten years later, but one group tired of the constant movement and took a different path. They came to believe that to travel against the wind - being the path of greater resistance, at least in relative terms - was the more rewarding path for them, and so they boldly marched into the center of the great windstorm...


The Deft: You gain 10% Dodge Chance.

Blitz Assault: Become silenced for 2+1/25[Dexterity] strikes, stepped forward with each blow. The attacks deal 25+[Strength]+34%[Dexterity] physical damage. -

The Resolute: You gain 5% Damage Resist.

Demolish: Rupture the earth, sending out 8 waves in all directions that stun enemies for 0.75 seconds. -

The Spirited: You gain 5% Damage Bonus.

Force Shield: Gain a bubble for 3 seconds of 100+1%[Max HP]+2.5*[Control] Health that provides 50% Damage Resist while active. [24s CD / 500 Mana]

Notable Azulans


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