Kal Azulans

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Kal Azulans
Average Height???


The green-skinned natives of a far-off continent ravaged by death and... undeath. They're storied experts in the art of not being slain by the efforts of the Void, and bring their mythos to Sarea in full. They bear three societal sects that divide them: the Resolute, the Deft, and the Spirited. Each has their own role to play, and their own appearance to decide.


Kal Azulans vary little in skin and eye color; their skin can range between turquoise to greenish-yellow (though many are simply green), while their eyes can range anywhere between blue and greenish-yellow. All Azulans have pointed ears that can vary in length between a minimum of 2.5" (6cm) to a maximum of 8" (20cm). Azulans can sometimes grow tusks which protrude from the corners of their mouth. These tusks can range between a minimum of 1" (2.5cm) to a typical maximum of 6" (15cm). Like most humanoids in Rhyst, Azulans can grow hair of nearly any color, though most natural tones tend to center around black, brown, dark blue, and white.

Azulans are prone to an extremely diverse variety of body types and height differences which can range anywhere between a minimum of 2'2" (66cm) to a typical maximum of 7' (213cm) for a fully grown adult Azulan. Due to a phenomenon that occurs during the early stages of development in an Azulan's pre-adolescent life, certain distinguishing physical features begin to manifest in their body that allow them to be grouped into one of three societal castes (the Deft, the Resolute, and the Spirited). The defining features of each caste are significant enough that they each have a more or less unique appearance from one-another, save for their green skin.

Deft Azulans can typically be most closely compared to average humans in shape, size, and build. Females average at 5'4" (162cm) while males average at 5'9" (175cm). Deft Azulans typically have lithe, dexterous bodies and long legs which allow them to move faster and with more precision than others of their species. Many Deft Azulans have medium-length ears or short tusks.

Resolute Azulans are typically taller than average humans by about 1' (30cm), making the average height 6'4" (193) for females, and 6'9" (206cm) for males. Resolute Azulans typically have strong, muscular bodies that make them much more durable and physically capable than others of their species. Many Resolute Azulans have tusks.

Spirited Azulans are typically more diminutive than Deft and Resolute Azulans. Females average at 4'3" (130cm) while males average at 4'7" (140cm). Spirited Azulans typically have slender, light-weight frames and large eyes; they are quite often significantly smaller and weaker than others of their species. It is not uncommon for a Spirited Azulan's eyes to glow slightly due to the innate magical energy they carry within them. Many Spirited Azulans have medium-length or long ears.

Aside from the three castes, there are also a breed of Azulans known as the Taut. Tautan Azulans are particularly diminutive to the extent that a fully grown adult Tautan Azulan taller than 3' (91cm) is considered rare. The most notable features of the Tautan Azulans are their somewhat elongated, protruding noses, sharp, pointed teeth, and typically shrill or higher-pitched voices. Notably, most Tautan Azulans cannot grow tusks, though it isn't unheard of for them to do so. The average height for a Tautan Azulan is 2'6" (76cm), and there is not a notable difference in height between males and females. Tautan Azulans do still experience the phenomenon which causes the distinguishing features of the Deft, Resolute, and Spirited castes to manifest within them, though (again) there is not a notable difference in height between them.

Deft Tautan Azulans still typically have lithe, dexterous bodies and long legs, though their diminutive size makes them exceptionally skilled at contortionism and acrobatics. Most Deft Tautan Azulans have medium-length or long ears.

Resolute Tautan Azulans typically have incredibly compact muscular bodies that make them deceptively durable and strong for their size. Their dense, compact frames allow them to handle falls and general blunt trauma better than their over-sized counterparts. Most Resolute Tautan Azulans have medium-length ears or, rarely, short tusks.

Spirited Tautan Azulans are still typically slender and have incredibly light-weight bodies, though they are not inherently any weaker or more frail than typical Spirited Azulans (perhaps due in part to muscle density). Their eyes are typically only moderately larger than an average Tautan Azulan's, though they often do still glow slightly due to the innate magical energy within them. Most Spirited Tautan Azulans have long ears.


The Taut

Of the Aiphe who eventually came to settle within Kal Azul, one group chose to reconsider their ethos. Not long after the first settlement within the Blasted Steppes, a once-in-a-hundred-years tornado formed in the desert, its interference stirring the winds of the region and pushing them randomly in every which way. In accordance with their culture, the Aiphe travelled from place to place, rapidly and erratically. Most did so until the winds settled, ten years later, but one group tired of the constant movement and took a different path. They came to believe that to travel against the wind - being the path of greater resistance, at least in relative terms - was the more rewarding path for them, and so they boldly marched into the center of the great windstorm...


The Deft: You gain 10% Dodge Chance.

Blitz Assault: Become silenced for 2+1/25[Dexterity] strikes, stepped forward with each blow. The attacks deal 25+[Strength]+34%[Dexterity] physical damage.

The Resolute: You gain 5% Damage Resist.

Demolish: Rupture the earth, sending out 8 waves in all directions that stun enemies for 0.75 seconds.

The Spirited: You gain 5% Damage Bonus.

Force Shield: Gain a bubble for 3 seconds of 100+1%[Max HP]+2.5*[Control] Health that provides 50% Damage Resist while active. [24s CD / 500 Mana]

The abilities available depend on racial subtype.

Notable Azulans


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