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LifespanNormal (~100 yrs.)
Average Height???
“Let these traitors be marked as the devils they are so that they might know what comrades they are bound with.”


It is no secret that the frozen lands of Isegrad were once a sprawling desert known as the Dessica. Many have heard tales of the dragon that once ruled from within its coil below the sands, the same dragon whose very presence gave rise to that dry and boiling realm. Balin Sketch’s ambitions have recently come to light within the last few decades, and with them came the truth of what took Zahhak away from his home upon Rhyst. The devil Nevanerro, formidable as an Eidolon, was still incapable of imprisoning four of his own kind on his own, and so the aid of the mortals those very dragons trusted was enlisted.

In Isegrad, the Sketch family and some of the nobility used the power of the Emerald Heart to bind Zahhak.

Upon some isles that dotted the vast oceans did a tribe of people lure Melusine into a well laid trap that caused the very oceans to swallow up their master.

Among the Aurumtine Mountains a band of warlocks weaving the dark infernal gifts of Sheol, well hidden under the nose of the righteous of Highshield, traveled into the grand caverns of Paludrex where he was bound and contained.

And somewhere upon motes of earth that persist among the clouds did a society who had only ever been blessed and gifted by the world directly betray and defeat Fah'nadir. the Wind Dragon.

Traitors to those beings that had shaped their world, people who believed in the words of an Eidolon who had yet to reveal himself from the darkness he hid within, all thought themselves worthy of rewards and promises that they might receive for these grand accomplishments. And though generations passed, legacies rose and lineages went on, there was a mark upon their souls that could not be washed away.

And now, as the Emerald Moon has been fractured, waves of hatred and malice have begun to spread across the world as they spew from the cracked face of the shining celestial body overhead. The direct source and magic is presently unclear, but it has brought about this new race of people. At first some thought it was a plague as their bodies changed and eyes turned to harsh colors. Vestigial wings and tails extended from the bodies of some of these marked people, along with small horns upon their heads. They had been twisted into mockeries of the devils that their ancestors had chosen to serve, and now scattered around the world, they have been seen as pariahs and outcasts who cannot be trusted.

Some have banded together to become a united force, all of them gathering on ships and guided toward one pivotal and important place; the Isle of Sarea itself. They call themselves Nephilim, the mortal people blessed by Nevanerro and his Emerald Moon.

Abilities and Trivia[edit]

The Nephilim are parodies of the devils in Sheol that serve under Nevanerro. Their personal transformations vary, but horns, forked tails, dark feathers or leathery wings, other such changes have been reported

Some Nephilim were only marked this way due to association by blood to a relative that betrayed the dragons, while a rarer few, those who managed to live more than four centuries, are truly guilty of the betrayals that this apparent curse has brought about

Nephilim feel a connection to the moon, though it isn’t one of great companionship, and they currently don't fully understand it

Nephilim pull on the energies of Sheol to empower their magic. This makes it manifest most often as dark or shadowy, but additionally makes them outstanding sorcerers. There are few magics Nephilim cannot grasp with relative ease, learning quickly and overcoming challenge simply and quickly. They stand among the strongest mages of all time among the ranks of mortals, becoming a force to be reckoned with in but a few years of existence. Their sorcerous connection means they cannot access holy magics