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  |      data2 = Isegrád
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  |    label3 = Lifespan
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  |      data3 = ???
  |      data3 = ???
  |    label4 = Population
  |    label4 = Population
  |      data4 = Extremely Low
  |      data4 = 1000 with numbers/ <br>??? without
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  ''Carved of stone and forged of magic.''
  ''Carved of stone and forged of magic.''

Of Rhyst's races, none are less common than the Empyrean. Their (publicly reported) numbers total less than a hundred, though they make up for it with their sheer competency. They are literally carved from solid blocks of mana-infused stone, made to be utterly dense beyond comparison, before having their silhouette framed with gold strips and various other metals. Ironically, the gold is the least expensive component of their design. It is said that the only thing stopping Isegrád from building an army of Empyreans is the overwhelming cost associated with it, given the rarity of the ingredients and a few other factors that they, to put it lightly, won't publicly disclose.
Empyrean are automata, and while the resemblance to the living is generally far flung, they are nonetheless being of life and soul. Retaining immortality within their ageless bodies of metal or stone, and while generally speaking they can be quite varied in their appearance, there is never any doubt as to the artificial nature of these beings.

==Emerald Empyrean==
Empyrean vary in appearance almost as much as Hedera, though in different ways. Given that Empyreans are created by the same "line" of crafters, they share a similarity between them that Hedera don't need to. Still, everything afterwards is up in the air, as Empyreans- or even their companions- may end up modifying their body in various ways to make them better suited for different tasks. '''They are all made of stone, metal, or minerals''', and their outer physique holds an emphasis on regality. They are intended to look professional and royal, given that their unspoken role in Isegrádian society is to protect generals, leaders, and politicians.
[[File:Emerald empyrean.jpg|400px|right|Emerald Empyrean]]
''An Emperor’s Pride.''
At the awakening and the center of [[Isegrad|Imperial progress]] lie the Empyrean of the Emerald Heart. Mysterious and at times esoteric beings compelled forth with power and purpose, the strange nature of their being soon faded as benefits of their existence dawned on a growing empire.
Known publicly as creations of the Emerald Heart, they were deeply associated with the central tenants of the [[Isegrad|Empire]] and its [[Balin Sketch|acclaimed founder]] - for many of these first Empyrean were specifically made to mock the limitations of mortality.
Some of these Empyrean were wrought of precise metals and clever calculation, shaped into life by feats of great construction, be it physical engineering or esoteric magitech, to drive and push their being forward with power beyond what had been seen before.
The great marvel of many an Imperial engineer would be an Empyrean of the Emerald Heart, a form wrought to perfection and a mind imprinted and taught the ins and outs of their purpose, an artisan putting their hands into the creation of a grandmaster at their craft, for there was no mortal hands within the Empire that could challenge a precisely designed Empyrean within the frameworks of their craft and their purpose.
But expertise and perfection in the industrial side of the Empire would hardly be enough. Many of these first creations were designed with the silhouette of the Imperial warmage looming overhead.
In this image were they shaped, majestic and expensive constructs of magical power, with capacities to exert their will on the immaterial far beyond that of any mortal. With this blessing of power did they step onto the world stage, spearheads of Imperial influence.
With the development and utilization of new and conductive materials, largely adamantite and orichalcum, did the formidable Empyrean emerge into true facets of life, intricate constructs carved into life by arcane cipher and ritual to forge soul into body - no longer entirely bound simply by mechanics, these less engineered Empyrean marked the start of a new era.
Emerald Empyrean and their Ruby successors do not outright differ in appearance nor necessarily in construction, though what can occasionally set them apart greatly can be the markings of time. Many Emerald Empyrean, particularly the first hundred, were made in a more nascent world of magitect, and so may appear significantly more dated, or be more limited in its mobility. Something as simple as the design of joints can have developed greatly between the eras, though functionally finding a difference between any Empyrean, not just a Ruby or Emerald, will lay in the maker's mark. The design of the creator, what material was used, be it a metal or a stone, what their silhouette was meant to be, it all comes down to the will of who made them.
===[[Imperial Indoctrination]]===
Deep within the Imperial Capital of Isegrad, near the courts of the Empress herself, lay deep embedded in the stoneworks below a forge beyond reckoning. Imperial Engineers, serving their charge, debate quietly their next design of Empyrean Construction. Dozens, all veteraned, all hand-picked by the Court itself as a prestigious 'reward' for a life of exemplary work and servitude. From their hands are bore forth chassis of experimental designs--some akin to a statue, some akin to a dragon. Some tall and lithe, some in mockeries of [[Faerla]] and [[Hedera]]. Spherical, languid, all works of design are tested and given through the motions.
==Ruby Empyrean==
''Cradled from earth, forged by Zahhak’s Heart.''
[[File:Ruby empyrean.png|200px|right|Ruby Empyrean]]
Behemoths of purely [[Rhyst|Rhystian]] design, Ruby Empyreans are undeniably both one of Rhyst’s newest races, and one of the strangest. Skins of iron, bones of steel, these beings nonetheless embody Humanity like any other. Once Isegrad’s strongest symbol of progress unyielding, these Empyreans now represent their own wills, rather than another’s.
In times past, Empyreans were well known as distinctly Isegradian constructs, bearers of Balin Sketch’s will unto the future. Esoteric, hulking constructs of earthly materials, stone, metals, and ore: they were the perfect executors of Isegrad’s vision, an unrelenting, undeniable force of progress. Nary a place within the Empire went untouched by the machinations and rumors of these very beings, many a common folk viewing them as the apex of Balinisim. These were the Emerald Empyreans: beings whose very existence was brought forth to further the goals of their creators.
Countless years  after the first Emerald Empyrean stepped forth from the Emerald Heart onto Rhyst, was the fate of the entire race irrevocably changed: for better or for worse. The Emerald Heart was purified, separating the Ruby Heart from the Emerald Heart, ending the long standing influence of [[Nevanerro]] on the device.  The events hold very little permanent record, little more than statements, all which point towards a highly trained group of Magi breaching the Astral Sea, encountering a phantom of the Heart. Little is known of what happened far away from the confines of Rhyst, though afterwards is well documented. The Red Dragon Corryx bursting forth from the [[Astral Sea]] to Rhyst, bearing both eight Magi upon his wings, and the newly purified [[Zahhak|Zahhakian]] Heart. Departing the island of [[Sarea]] with the Heart, the Red Dragon brought it to a small faithful village outside Zahhak’s Coil, which later became the birthplace of the Redwing movement, ranks swelling with [[Seraphim]] and Empyrean alike.
It was here, under the stewardship of the Zahhakian Heart, where the first Ruby Empyreans took their first steps upon Rhyst, now truly Rhystian beings, the influence of Nevanerro removed from their creation. No longer beacons of Balin’s vision, unmarred by Imperial Indoctrination and conditioning, Ruby Empyreans are free to execute their own destiny.
Much like their Emerald predecessors, Ruby Empyreans are beings constructed from the very materials of the earth, within the depths of the Ruby Heart. It is here where the Heart ushers in a soul from the Cycle, designing a chassis befitting the new arrival. Almost all Empyreans find this process horribly disorienting and disruptive, as newly arrived souls on Rhyst need time to acclimate themselves to the environment.
Whereas an animal might not be able to utilize all their senses upon birth, Ruby Empyreans are fully cognizant and aware. Every sense available to them is fully developed, critical thinking skills, reasoning, and other mental faculties: implanted by the design of the Heart, although lacking the experience one would gain during their formative years. It can take anywhere from weeks to months for an Empyrean to fully master their new chassis, the sensory overload ranging from disruptive to downright crippling.
As a consequence of their unique birthing situation, secluded community, and strange design: new Empyreans often take on hyper specific personalities, exploring ideas and concepts with single-minded precision. Eventually, ideas, concepts, thoughts, and interactions gather to the point where one-track personalities develop beyond simplistic concepts, though there is no average gauge for this. One individual may take months to develop beyond hyper fixation, another may accomplish personality development in weeks:
Composed of earthly materials, Empyreans are starkly different from their biological counterparts. They can be composed of roughly hewn stone, finely packed dirts, masterfully composed steel, to finely tempered gemstone armours. If it can store absurdly dense amounts of mana, it’s more than likely able to be used in the construction of an Empyrean. Though variety does not mean accessibility: Ruby Empyreans are still incredibly expensive to construct.
Though most Empyreans take recognizable humanoid shapes, they’ve been known to take any form they so desire. From animalistic to the brutalist, their chassis is both a representation of their desires and beliefs, changing with time to fit the Empyrean. As one might change their hair or clothes, so do Empyreans change their chassis to fit their whims.

Empyreans are the newest race on Rhyst, literally so. They came to fruition merely eighty years prior to the venture to the island, though they've technically existed for a hundred years prior- they just hadn't been confirmed yet. Regardless, Empyrean culture tends to resolve around servitude, though it comes in many different forms. Some are bound to a specific family and serve almost as a member, while others are guardians of a single politician and act as their bodyguard instead. The role they play is entirely dependent on their surroundings.
A particularly interesting facet of their abilities is that they're uniquely adept at manipulating mana. Sorcery exists, of course, but Empyreans are imbued with this ability as something of a birthright. Simply by existing, they absorb and churn out mana like mobile beacons. Some believe that they're built this way intentionally, such that they're specifically very good at fighting Sorcerers and Weavers- the most prominent types of mages in Isegrád- rather than outside forces. They're nonetheless fantastically useful for the latter cases too, but the suspicion remains.
A particularly interesting facet of their abilities is that they're uniquely adept at manipulating mana. Sorcery exists, of course, but Empyreans are imbued with this ability as something of a birthright. Simply by existing, they absorb and churn out mana like mobile beacons. Some believe that they're built this way intentionally, such that they're specifically very good at fighting Sorcerers and Weavers- the most prominent types of mages in Isegrád- rather than outside forces. They're nonetheless fantastically useful for the latter cases too, but the suspicion remains.

Though given that they've been shipped to the island with everyone else, those that've arrived there have a certain degree of freedom and individuality that has never been awarded to an Empyrean prior. It is common for Empyreans to be called by their "number", or, more specifically, which Empyrean they are in order from one to, well, the newest.
======The [[Emerald Heart|Heart]]======
In the time leading up to the venture to Sarea, Empyreans found ways to collaborate in their off hours. It is then that they researched their origins and spread knowledge among themselves of where they came from, but- even with this extensive effort, what's known to them is nonetheless hazy. The only assured fact that each can recall is what they'd since deemed the "Emerald Heart", a pulsing orb of green flame and energy buried deep in their memories. It wasn't written about in any public Isegrádian texts, nor was it recorded elsewhere either as some sort of otherworldly artifact.

======The Emerald Heart======
However, if one delved deeply enough into the legend of Isegrád's beginnings, and if one abuses their connections and trustworthiness to get information, there had been hints and inklings, of such a thing originating some decades after the Empire's first years. It was reportedly locked away in the darkest corner of Isegrád's furthest dungeon in the equivalent of a padded cell, for whatever reason.
In the time leading up to the venture to the island, though, Empyreans still found ways to collaborate in their off hours. It is then that they researched their origins and spread knowledge among themselves of where they came from, but- even with this extensive effort, what's known to them is nonetheless hazy. The only assured fact that each can recall is what they've since deemed the "Emerald Heart", a pulsing orb of green flame and energy buried deep in their memories. It isn't written about in any public Isegrádian texts, nor has it been recorded elsewhere either as some sort of otherworldly artifact.

However, if one delves deeply enough into the legend of Isegrád's beginnings, and if one abuses their connections and trustworthiness to get information... There are hints- inklings, if anything- of such a thing originating some decades after the city's first years. It is reportedly locked away in the darkest corner of Isegrád's furthest dungeon in the equivalent of a padded cell, for whatever reason. As of late, fewer Empyreans have been made, and many turn to this modern fairy tale as something of a clue as to what's really going on behind the scenes.
However, countless years later the fate of the Heart irrevocably changed: for better or for worse. The Emerald Heart was purified, separating the Ruby Heart from the Emerald Heart, ending the long standing influence of Nevanerro on the device. The events hold very little permanent record, but evidence pointed towards a highly trained group of Magi breaching the Astral Sea, encountering a phantom of the Heart. Little is known of what happened far away from the confines of Rhyst, though afterwards is well documented. The Red Dragon Corryx bursting forth from the Astral Sea to Rhyst, bearing both eight Magi upon his wings, and the newly purified Ruby Heart. Departing the island of Sarea with the Heart, the Red Dragon brought it to a small faithful village outside Zahhak’s Coil, which later became the birthplace of the Redwing movement, ranks swelling with Seraphim and Empyrean alike.

==The Empyrean Order==
==The Empyrean Order==
===[[Empyreal Apocrypha]]===
The Empyreal Apocrypha consists of the first ten Empyrean, and are listed on their own page.

===VII (7)===
===[[Empyreal_Apocrypha|VII (7)]]===
It is unknown the exact year that VII was forged, but their reputation is one of great renown. Given the rank of High Inquisitor within the Empire They were supposedly incapable of being hit by magical blows, proving completely immune to mana-reinforced strikes and spells in general. If that wasn't enough, they were perceived as the right hand of the High Magister and VII was seen, rarely so, on battlefields by his decree. It is no surprise that these tales only returned from the men on Isegrád's side.
It is unknown the exact year that VII was forged, but their reputation is one of great renown. Given the rank of High Inquisitor within the Empire They were supposedly incapable of being hit by magical blows, proving completely immune to mana-reinforced strikes and spells in general. If that wasn't enough, they were perceived as the right hand of the High Magister and VII was seen, rarely so, on battlefields by his decree. It is no surprise that these tales only returned from the men on Isegrád's side.
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Forged in the year 970, XI, known as Locus, was an Empyrean built for preserving the peace of Isegrád, the stocky model predates numerous aesthetic improvements that are present in later iterations. Lacking visible human traits, this creation's focus was on defeating the enemies of the Empire with little in the way of apparent capacity for independent thought. It was sent to the colony of Providence in year 1000 to ensure the colony's protection.
Forged in the year 970, XI, known as Locus, was an Empyrean built for preserving the peace of Isegrád, the stocky model predates numerous aesthetic improvements that are present in later iterations. Lacking visible human traits, this creation's focus was on defeating the enemies of the Empire with little in the way of apparent capacity for independent thought. It was sent to the colony of Providence in year 1000 to ensure the colony's protection.

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===XV (15)===
XV Fiu was finished in the year 971, it is designed off of the Arlandrian Faerla and composed primarily of Wolfram. However, it retains many inhuman and mechanical traits to specifically designate it as an Empyrean. XV Fiu was unveiled publicly as a Faerla Integration Unit, and was supposedly made to help Faerla whom joined Isegrad integrate into society seamlessly.

[[File:Drahcir Redgrove.png|left|]]
[[File:Drahcir Redgrove.png|left|]]
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===XXVI (26)===
===XXVI (26)===
Forged in the year 974, XXVI was an experiment in the creation of Empyreans. Instead of using the natural ores with mana, his entire body was made out of the ground, rocks from an old graveyard that had mana infused stones made out of the leftover energy of corpses. He looked a bit monstrous, but he was just a researcher who kept to his duties of ensuring the progress of the Empire.
Forged in the year 974, XXVI was an experiment in the creation of Empyreans. Instead of using the natural ores with mana, his entire body was made out of the ground, rocks from an old graveyard that had mana infused stones made out of the leftover energy of corpses. He looked a bit monstrous, but he was just a researcher who kept to his duties of ensuring the progress of the Empire.

[[File:EX CEL.png|left]]
===XL (40)===
Forged in the year 975, XL is an Empyrean designed solely from stone, to acquire stone: specifically, infused materials for the construction of Empyreans. Arriving on Sarea in the early 1040s, it set its directives skywards, partaking in the shattering of the Virdian Gaol, and later freeing the Dragons. It eventually took on the mantle of the Redwings, leading successful skirmishes in the Isegradian Civil War during the mid years of the 1050s.

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===XCIV (94)===
===XCIV (94)===
Forged in the year 981, XCIV who goes by the formal name Rea Motis was an unintended Empyrean.  She hosts a ceramic like smooth stone shell and a crystal inner body. As well her hair, and nails were designed in the same crystal. Exhibiting a rather astonishing fragility among her kind she also proved to have a high capacity for emotions and personality right after creation. It's unclear what her intended purpose was as her creator was killed on the spot for betraying Isegrád by making her without permission.
Forged in the year 981, XCIV who goes by the formal name Rea Motis was an unintended Empyrean.  She hosts a ceramic like smooth stone shell and a crystal inner body. As well her hair, and nails were designed in the same crystal. Exhibiting a rather astonishing fragility among her kind she also proved to have a high capacity for emotions and personality right after creation. It's unclear what her intended purpose was as her creator was killed on the spot for betraying Isegrád by making her without permission.
===CXVIII (118)===
Forged in the year 1003, CXVIII, self-named as Songbird, is the second Empyrean constructed on Sarea and in Providence. She was shaped in the image of a true-blooded Draconian, meant to be a cultural embracement of Zahhak's role in the Empire as a  whole.<br>


*Many assume the Empyrean were intended to be a vessel for another living being at first.
*Many assume the Empyrean were intended to be a vessel for another living being at first.

Latest revision as of 16:02, 29 March 2023

"Male" / "female" Empyrean.
Population1000 with numbers/
??? without
Average Height???
Carved of stone and forged of magic.

Empyrean are automata, and while the resemblance to the living is generally far flung, they are nonetheless being of life and soul. Retaining immortality within their ageless bodies of metal or stone, and while generally speaking they can be quite varied in their appearance, there is never any doubt as to the artificial nature of these beings.

Emerald Empyrean[edit]

Emerald Empyrean

An Emperor’s Pride.


At the awakening and the center of Imperial progress lie the Empyrean of the Emerald Heart. Mysterious and at times esoteric beings compelled forth with power and purpose, the strange nature of their being soon faded as benefits of their existence dawned on a growing empire.

Known publicly as creations of the Emerald Heart, they were deeply associated with the central tenants of the Empire and its acclaimed founder - for many of these first Empyrean were specifically made to mock the limitations of mortality.

Some of these Empyrean were wrought of precise metals and clever calculation, shaped into life by feats of great construction, be it physical engineering or esoteric magitech, to drive and push their being forward with power beyond what had been seen before.

The great marvel of many an Imperial engineer would be an Empyrean of the Emerald Heart, a form wrought to perfection and a mind imprinted and taught the ins and outs of their purpose, an artisan putting their hands into the creation of a grandmaster at their craft, for there was no mortal hands within the Empire that could challenge a precisely designed Empyrean within the frameworks of their craft and their purpose.

But expertise and perfection in the industrial side of the Empire would hardly be enough. Many of these first creations were designed with the silhouette of the Imperial warmage looming overhead.

In this image were they shaped, majestic and expensive constructs of magical power, with capacities to exert their will on the immaterial far beyond that of any mortal. With this blessing of power did they step onto the world stage, spearheads of Imperial influence.

With the development and utilization of new and conductive materials, largely adamantite and orichalcum, did the formidable Empyrean emerge into true facets of life, intricate constructs carved into life by arcane cipher and ritual to forge soul into body - no longer entirely bound simply by mechanics, these less engineered Empyrean marked the start of a new era.


Emerald Empyrean and their Ruby successors do not outright differ in appearance nor necessarily in construction, though what can occasionally set them apart greatly can be the markings of time. Many Emerald Empyrean, particularly the first hundred, were made in a more nascent world of magitect, and so may appear significantly more dated, or be more limited in its mobility. Something as simple as the design of joints can have developed greatly between the eras, though functionally finding a difference between any Empyrean, not just a Ruby or Emerald, will lay in the maker's mark. The design of the creator, what material was used, be it a metal or a stone, what their silhouette was meant to be, it all comes down to the will of who made them.

Imperial Indoctrination[edit]

Deep within the Imperial Capital of Isegrad, near the courts of the Empress herself, lay deep embedded in the stoneworks below a forge beyond reckoning. Imperial Engineers, serving their charge, debate quietly their next design of Empyrean Construction. Dozens, all veteraned, all hand-picked by the Court itself as a prestigious 'reward' for a life of exemplary work and servitude. From their hands are bore forth chassis of experimental designs--some akin to a statue, some akin to a dragon. Some tall and lithe, some in mockeries of Faerla and Hedera. Spherical, languid, all works of design are tested and given through the motions.

Ruby Empyrean[edit]

Cradled from earth, forged by Zahhak’s Heart.

Ruby Empyrean


Behemoths of purely Rhystian design, Ruby Empyreans are undeniably both one of Rhyst’s newest races, and one of the strangest. Skins of iron, bones of steel, these beings nonetheless embody Humanity like any other. Once Isegrad’s strongest symbol of progress unyielding, these Empyreans now represent their own wills, rather than another’s.


In times past, Empyreans were well known as distinctly Isegradian constructs, bearers of Balin Sketch’s will unto the future. Esoteric, hulking constructs of earthly materials, stone, metals, and ore: they were the perfect executors of Isegrad’s vision, an unrelenting, undeniable force of progress. Nary a place within the Empire went untouched by the machinations and rumors of these very beings, many a common folk viewing them as the apex of Balinisim. These were the Emerald Empyreans: beings whose very existence was brought forth to further the goals of their creators.

Countless years after the first Emerald Empyrean stepped forth from the Emerald Heart onto Rhyst, was the fate of the entire race irrevocably changed: for better or for worse. The Emerald Heart was purified, separating the Ruby Heart from the Emerald Heart, ending the long standing influence of Nevanerro on the device. The events hold very little permanent record, little more than statements, all which point towards a highly trained group of Magi breaching the Astral Sea, encountering a phantom of the Heart. Little is known of what happened far away from the confines of Rhyst, though afterwards is well documented. The Red Dragon Corryx bursting forth from the Astral Sea to Rhyst, bearing both eight Magi upon his wings, and the newly purified Zahhakian Heart. Departing the island of Sarea with the Heart, the Red Dragon brought it to a small faithful village outside Zahhak’s Coil, which later became the birthplace of the Redwing movement, ranks swelling with Seraphim and Empyrean alike.

It was here, under the stewardship of the Zahhakian Heart, where the first Ruby Empyreans took their first steps upon Rhyst, now truly Rhystian beings, the influence of Nevanerro removed from their creation. No longer beacons of Balin’s vision, unmarred by Imperial Indoctrination and conditioning, Ruby Empyreans are free to execute their own destiny.


Much like their Emerald predecessors, Ruby Empyreans are beings constructed from the very materials of the earth, within the depths of the Ruby Heart. It is here where the Heart ushers in a soul from the Cycle, designing a chassis befitting the new arrival. Almost all Empyreans find this process horribly disorienting and disruptive, as newly arrived souls on Rhyst need time to acclimate themselves to the environment.

Whereas an animal might not be able to utilize all their senses upon birth, Ruby Empyreans are fully cognizant and aware. Every sense available to them is fully developed, critical thinking skills, reasoning, and other mental faculties: implanted by the design of the Heart, although lacking the experience one would gain during their formative years. It can take anywhere from weeks to months for an Empyrean to fully master their new chassis, the sensory overload ranging from disruptive to downright crippling.

As a consequence of their unique birthing situation, secluded community, and strange design: new Empyreans often take on hyper specific personalities, exploring ideas and concepts with single-minded precision. Eventually, ideas, concepts, thoughts, and interactions gather to the point where one-track personalities develop beyond simplistic concepts, though there is no average gauge for this. One individual may take months to develop beyond hyper fixation, another may accomplish personality development in weeks:


Composed of earthly materials, Empyreans are starkly different from their biological counterparts. They can be composed of roughly hewn stone, finely packed dirts, masterfully composed steel, to finely tempered gemstone armours. If it can store absurdly dense amounts of mana, it’s more than likely able to be used in the construction of an Empyrean. Though variety does not mean accessibility: Ruby Empyreans are still incredibly expensive to construct.

Though most Empyreans take recognizable humanoid shapes, they’ve been known to take any form they so desire. From animalistic to the brutalist, their chassis is both a representation of their desires and beliefs, changing with time to fit the Empyrean. As one might change their hair or clothes, so do Empyreans change their chassis to fit their whims.


A particularly interesting facet of their abilities is that they're uniquely adept at manipulating mana. Sorcery exists, of course, but Empyreans are imbued with this ability as something of a birthright. Simply by existing, they absorb and churn out mana like mobile beacons. Some believe that they're built this way intentionally, such that they're specifically very good at fighting Sorcerers and Weavers- the most prominent types of mages in Isegrád- rather than outside forces. They're nonetheless fantastically useful for the latter cases too, but the suspicion remains.

The Heart[edit]

In the time leading up to the venture to Sarea, Empyreans found ways to collaborate in their off hours. It is then that they researched their origins and spread knowledge among themselves of where they came from, but- even with this extensive effort, what's known to them is nonetheless hazy. The only assured fact that each can recall is what they'd since deemed the "Emerald Heart", a pulsing orb of green flame and energy buried deep in their memories. It wasn't written about in any public Isegrádian texts, nor was it recorded elsewhere either as some sort of otherworldly artifact.

However, if one delved deeply enough into the legend of Isegrád's beginnings, and if one abuses their connections and trustworthiness to get information, there had been hints and inklings, of such a thing originating some decades after the Empire's first years. It was reportedly locked away in the darkest corner of Isegrád's furthest dungeon in the equivalent of a padded cell, for whatever reason.

However, countless years later the fate of the Heart irrevocably changed: for better or for worse. The Emerald Heart was purified, separating the Ruby Heart from the Emerald Heart, ending the long standing influence of Nevanerro on the device. The events hold very little permanent record, but evidence pointed towards a highly trained group of Magi breaching the Astral Sea, encountering a phantom of the Heart. Little is known of what happened far away from the confines of Rhyst, though afterwards is well documented. The Red Dragon Corryx bursting forth from the Astral Sea to Rhyst, bearing both eight Magi upon his wings, and the newly purified Ruby Heart. Departing the island of Sarea with the Heart, the Red Dragon brought it to a small faithful village outside Zahhak’s Coil, which later became the birthplace of the Redwing movement, ranks swelling with Seraphim and Empyrean alike.

The Empyrean Order[edit]

Empyreal Apocrypha[edit]

The Empyreal Apocrypha consists of the first ten Empyrean, and are listed on their own page.


VII (7)[edit]

It is unknown the exact year that VII was forged, but their reputation is one of great renown. Given the rank of High Inquisitor within the Empire They were supposedly incapable of being hit by magical blows, proving completely immune to mana-reinforced strikes and spells in general. If that wasn't enough, they were perceived as the right hand of the High Magister and VII was seen, rarely so, on battlefields by his decree. It is no surprise that these tales only returned from the men on Isegrád's side.

Locus portrait.png

XI (11)[edit]

Forged in the year 970, XI, known as Locus, was an Empyrean built for preserving the peace of Isegrád, the stocky model predates numerous aesthetic improvements that are present in later iterations. Lacking visible human traits, this creation's focus was on defeating the enemies of the Empire with little in the way of apparent capacity for independent thought. It was sent to the colony of Providence in year 1000 to ensure the colony's protection.


XIV (14)[edit]

Forged in the year 971, the Empryean known as XIV is an oddity to behold. Unlike many others of his kind, it was forged by solid stone rather than exotic metals. It left the Empyrean as a large and imposing golem, one that towers over the average person. While perfectly content with being referred by its number, it is also known to go by the name Samir.


XV (15)[edit]

XV Fiu was finished in the year 971, it is designed off of the Arlandrian Faerla and composed primarily of Wolfram. However, it retains many inhuman and mechanical traits to specifically designate it as an Empyrean. XV Fiu was unveiled publicly as a Faerla Integration Unit, and was supposedly made to help Faerla whom joined Isegrad integrate into society seamlessly.

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XVI (16)[edit]

Forged in the year 972, XVI was an Empyrean of special design, XVI went by the name of the nobleman it was meant to resemble. Drahcir Redgrove stood at six feet tall and was made of bronze metal. His likeness was that of a human, as he was constructed in the image of his creator's deceased son. He learned to weave the arcane with great proficiency, often considered a master in the field.


XVII (17)[edit]

Forged in the year 972, and an odd addition to the ranks of the Empyrean, XVII went by his numeric name and claimed to be a prophet for the Emerald Heart. He constructed a church focused on this belief and began to preach this faith as a modern religion to any who would listen. The religion was focused on imperial tenets and beliefs, but also tried to teach what it meant to be an Empyrean. XVII dubbed himself the Arbiter of the Verdant Flame and brought his Church to the colony of Providence in the year 1000.

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XXVI (26)[edit]

Forged in the year 974, XXVI was an experiment in the creation of Empyreans. Instead of using the natural ores with mana, his entire body was made out of the ground, rocks from an old graveyard that had mana infused stones made out of the leftover energy of corpses. He looked a bit monstrous, but he was just a researcher who kept to his duties of ensuring the progress of the Empire.

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XL (40)[edit]

Forged in the year 975, XL is an Empyrean designed solely from stone, to acquire stone: specifically, infused materials for the construction of Empyreans. Arriving on Sarea in the early 1040s, it set its directives skywards, partaking in the shattering of the Virdian Gaol, and later freeing the Dragons. It eventually took on the mantle of the Redwings, leading successful skirmishes in the Isegradian Civil War during the mid years of the 1050s.


LXXXI (81)[edit]

Forged in the year 979, LXXXI was a peculiar Empyrean. A very individualistic model, this Empyrean had a love for explosions, and due to his focus on demolitions and creation, he was sent on the Sarean expedition as a Forgemaster in the year 1000. Adopting the name DI, or 501, he somewhat rebelled against the typical Empyrean naming scheme in favor of calling himself and other experiments of his 'Mana golems'.


XCIV (94)[edit]

Forged in the year 981, XCIV who goes by the formal name Rea Motis was an unintended Empyrean. She hosts a ceramic like smooth stone shell and a crystal inner body. As well her hair, and nails were designed in the same crystal. Exhibiting a rather astonishing fragility among her kind she also proved to have a high capacity for emotions and personality right after creation. It's unclear what her intended purpose was as her creator was killed on the spot for betraying Isegrád by making her without permission.


CXVIII (118)[edit]

Forged in the year 1003, CXVIII, self-named as Songbird, is the second Empyrean constructed on Sarea and in Providence. She was shaped in the image of a true-blooded Draconian, meant to be a cultural embracement of Zahhak's role in the Empire as a whole.


  • Many assume the Empyrean were intended to be a vessel for another living being at first.