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Formally founded as The Empress' Divine Providence, the first explorers of the Isegrádian expedition chose the frozen shores of northern Sarea as their settlement. It wasn't long after their arrival that buildings of stone and wood were quickly erected and a bustling society in the image of the mainland Empire was born.

Providence was located in the northernmost shores of Sarea, past a cavernous opening in the mountain range. The bitter cold and unforgiving terrain made for uneasy living were the hardy Isegrádians and Draconians not molded in such conditions to begin with. The port settlement thrived through fishing and trade, and was ruled by the Harbingers.



The Hammer of Providence

The Hammer of Providence is the settlement's official military organization. Ranks are as follows:


An Adept is the standard rank-and-file soldier and arbiter of conflict. They are the first to shed their blood in the name of the Empress' plan and the first to be glorified for it. Those who weather the incoming storm of conflict are quickly risen in their rank to Inquisitor, and those that fall are mourned and replaced.

To become an Adept, it only takes a willing soul courageously signing-up for glory.

There's no shame in being an Adept, and for those looking to avoid the trappings of leadership, there can be no more a comfortable place than at the bottom. They are expected to train, to patrol, to try and handle matters of Providence's security, and to just be eager to serve.

Once enlisted, an Adept must serve at least one year of active duty before they are permitted to legally retire from the Hammer. After two years of service, an Adept is eligible for promotions within the military.


After two years of continued service, an Adept is promoted to the rank of Guardsman. No longer a rookie recruit, Guardsmen are trusted with more responsibilities around and outside the city's walls. They are expected to patrol the isle with more frequency and display a higher commitment in servicing the city's military needs. Now having surpassed their training days, Guardsmen are encouraged to assist in training and molding Adepts into capable soldiers alongside the Magisters.

Additionally, Guardsmen have the ability to freely requisition supplies, gear, and materials however they need. Higher level equipment will also be available for them to don. With long lasting service to the Dukedom comes greater levels of trust from leadership.

Promotions from this position onwards are not freely given. Guardsmen, should they seek advancement in their military careers, must be diligent in their training and military activity should they desire advancement into officer positions. However, there is no shame in remaining a Guardsmen; not everyone is called to lead, and continued service as a soldier is more than satisfactory for Providence's military needs.


A Magister has proven themselves in times of crisis. Proven their worth in both combat and arbitration within the civilian populace, the Magister is a trusted source of conflict resolution by words and steel both. A respected position that comes with it a great deal of responsibility in both times of war and times of peace.

Magisters are above the rank-and-file, and they are trusted to handle any smaller scale issues that arise around Providence. They are expected to patrol the bounds of the island with the company of the Guardsmen, and they should be seen as highly respected members of their community. Magisters will often be the primary pool selected for service members to attend high-risk and deadly missions for the city.

It typically takes many years and personal accomplishments to be elevated to an Magister role from a Guardsman. It is not a role that is to be taken lightly.

Grand Magister

A Grand Magister is a Magister who has gone above and beyond. Renowned for their combat prowess and their civil judgements, Grand Magisters settle disputes that Magisters are unable to solve. They are arbitrators when peace is disturbed, and they are the figures that matters are escalated to should the Inquisitor not be available. They can lead small scale operations in the Inquisitor's stead, and are granted special permissions to lead the ranks below them into far more dangerous lands. They help to keep the Hammer sharp and well-trained, and they are expected to help any of their subordinates in getting properly armed and armored.

Becoming a Grand Magister is no easy feat; only the most elite, distinguished, and valorous within the Hammer are even considered for the role. One is required to risk death itself on a mission for Providence before they may be deemed deserving of the position. Grand Magisters are expected to devote their very lives to the betterment of their brothers-in-arms and service to the Duke.


The Inquisitor the acting leader of The Hammer. While being a largely administrative role, the Inquisitor is also the final arbiter of all contentious conflicts. If a matter cannot be settled by a Grand Magister, it is brought up to the Inquisitor. The Inquisitor ultimately answers to the Harbinger(s) of the settlement still.

The Inquisitor role is hand-picked by the Duke who often selects only the best and brightest of the Grand Magisters to fill the role.

Notable Figures

Current Leadership

Duchess Dura Levante

(1045AC - Present)

Former Leadership

Lady of Trouble Camilla Cassia

(1045AC - 1052AC)


Lady of Blood DeLisle Creux

(1045AC - 1053AC)
A graduate of Sarea's Nera Academy and later The Isgradian Institute of Arcane Research, DeLisle's academic pedigree ensured her a job as Providence's Research Director under the reign of now-deposed Duke Luka Pavlova in 1034AC. She was removed from this position in following a coup in 1042AC due to her involvement in extraplanar research that enabled Luka Pavlova to manifest demonic powers. While generally considered unpleasant, the coyote wildkin's loyalty to Providence ensured she did not flee during the coup that saw her deposed. She was later reinstated as a member of Providence's High Court after the nomination of Pascha Pavlova and an unanimous public forum vote. She proceeded to help lead Providence through their war with Deliverance, and into peacetime. But she never stopped fighting and was killed in a duel to the death by Saint Evermore.


Lord of Purity Dagur Castilund

(1034AC - 1047AC)
Initially sent to Providence by his House to avoid the tumult of the People's Militant uprising, Dagur spent time drifting across Sarea due to medical complications sustained during his voyage from mainland Isegrad. Eventually, he found himself drawn back to the service of the land of his birth, and enlisted to serve in the 1st Sarean Echelon (known also as the Hammer of Providence) as an adept. That adept was swiftly promoted to magister, and then to grand magister in recognition of successful reformation of the Hammer, leading to a successful attack on the Void-corrupted Sarean swamplands. After that assault, Dagur was often embroiled in political turmoil, working to control the internal dissonance caused by discontent within Providence (sparked by a cultist of Nevanerro). Despite an odd turn to a particularly aggressive brand of Rhystian rhetoric, he continued his duties to Providence and Isegrad, culminating in a sudden appointment as Regent in the wake of Duke Pascha Pavlova's disappearance. Even after the wildkin was recovered from the Void, he acted in Duke Luka Pavlova's stead; even while teaching the young noble and his compatriots at Nera Academy. He remained active until his death in 1047 AC, where he perished returning Melous and her rain to the world of men.


Lord of Wrath Demetri Olym

(1034AC - 1045AC)
Having arrived from the mainland as a non-magi teenager with little more than the clothes and sword on his back, Demetri settled within Providence and quickly found himself enlisting within the Hammer. A slew of fights against Extraplanar and their cultists at his age resulted in a swift climb in the military ranks earning him a quick promotion to Grandmagister. However, a chance meeting outside the Demon-occupied Lilymire lead to his capture and eventual 'death'. Almost three years following his imprisonment, Demetri was found and recovered by Urosil. After a long recovery period, the Olym would return to Providence and be appointed as Harbinger Karol Long's Captain and become the new Chief of Civil Affairs. Despite the change in role, Demetri still often found himself fighting upon the front lines, unable to leave the life of war behind him. In 1034AC, Demetri was hand-picked by Duke Luka Pavolva to serve as a Hand of the Duchy as part of the High Court. His title reflects his nature on the battlefield and personality assessment from the Emerald Heart itself. In 1042, he would be promoted to acting High Regent following Luke Pavlova's banishment from Providence. He remained active as a member of Providence's High Court until 1045 AC, where he died defending Providence from an attack by Deliverance.


Duke Luka Pavlova

(1034AC - 1042AC)
The eldest son of Pascha Pavlova. His reign ended when his Court had proven he was Touched and opted to remove him, then-Sword of the Duchy Castilian Mori, and then-Research Director DeLisle Creux. He fled Providence and of 1048 AC remains a fugitive.


Harbinger Rhemus Bellanova

A tall and imposing man, Rhemus, the Harbinger of Might, singlehandedly restored his defunct family name through militarial and political excellence, one avenue only slightly less bloody than the other. He was loyal to Isegrád, almost zealously so, and could be very sociable and charismatic; characteristics contrasted by his brutal reputation against those he considered enemies. He was the oldest of the Harbingers, and unsurprisingly directly oversaw The Hammer of Providence.


Harbinger Dia Long

A draconian noble whose every step exuded highborn elegance, Dia managed Providence itself and lead its medical branch as the Harbinger of Justice. Though young, she channeled Balin's will and Isegrád's ambition without hesitation. Compassionate to every Isegrádian, and unforgiving to all who would cross them, she expected no less from anyone within the Empire. In 1025, Dia would meet her end within Sheol's City of Sin, her soul passing on with a smile while in the arms of her sister.


Harbinger Qasere Elthaden

Draconic in appearance and in her views towards magical tradition, Qasere, the Harbinger of Guile, oversaw R&D in Providence. She was something of an unknown factor between the Harbingers, for her intentions and goals for R&D were as lofty as they were secret. Elusive and distrustful, Qasere's position ultimately led her down the route of madness. Publicly either hated or sorely missed, the rumors of her current state are as conflicting as the opinions the woman garnered around herself in life.


Harbinger DI

The Empyreal Spider, the Harbinger of Devotion, and the bomb of Providence. This Empyrean has adopted the name DI (Pronounced Die), and is known for fitting into multiple roles. Harbinger of Devotion, Forgemaster, Demolitionist, and Bishop of the Verdant Flame, DI remains devoted and focused upon his goals. They left Rhyst in the year 1018, choosing to stay with his love in Sheol.


Harbinger Cid Cascade

An eccentric Aurien born of nobility and fed with a mercury-coated silver spoon. Heir to the Cascade legacy, Cid inherited a fascination with the art of Weaving and is an incredibly talented albeit unorthodox doctor. His out-of-the-box approach to invention extends into his talents as an artificer as well, bringing him to spend more time in his laboratory with his Empyrean assistant CX than in the field post-Harbinger promotion. After years of service to Providence, Cid, the Harbinger of Absurdity, eventually retired and returned to the mainland. He was succeeded by the Harbinger of Balance, Pascha Pavlova.


Harbinger Karol K'pyr

A pink Rabbitkin once married to Xiao Long, sister of former Harbinger Dia Long. Karol was originally given the position of Chief Civil Affairs by then-Inquisitor 'Locus' XI in recognition of his constant efforts in diplomacy, resolving civilian disputes, and writing the State of Sarea for Providence. He'd eventually become the Harbinger of Chaos and had practiced the rare magic of Oneiromancy. Karol would meet his end being captured and killed by the Demonmire following a failed attempt to subdue them on an investigation of the Emerald Moon. Camp Caper, the Providence outpost stationed just outside Lilymire, is named in his honor.


Harbinger Gradok Brak

The Harbinger of Progress, maker of Mana Batteries and of the Barrier that surrounds Providence. A Graveyard Empyrean that stood tall with her beliefs. Often enough, she was working and busy but always found time to aid those who needed her help. Gradok believed that people could evolve and ascend without the need of spirits, and she departed Providence firmly holding this ideal close to her core. Her exact whereabouts are currently unknown to many.


Duke Pascha Pavlova

(1014AC - 1034AC)
The chosen successor to Cid Cascade and a wildkin of the Towering Bear. Born in the Tundra and inducted as an Imperial Ward at a young age, the Harbinger of Balance worked tirelessly to address civil unrest in Providence after the revelations of the Emerald Heart and Nevanerro's designs. A steadfast and straightforward (and boring) workaholic, his position covers everything from military, administrative, civil, and diplomatic affairs; he just likes to keep busy. Awoke to the power of the Wellspring in 1009 AC. Dubbed Champion of Sarea in the Year 1020AC. Clinically depressed since 997AC. Presumed dead in 1034AC following a lethal battle against Ingvar, the Demon Touched leader of Vul'karik's cult upon Sarea. In truth, the Head Cultist had managed to trap Pavlova within the Void before the Duke could slay him. In the months that followed, he wandered the Void alone struggling to survive until the Emerald Heart was called upon to locate and retrieve him. He remained active in various governmental roles in Providence until his death in 1048 AC, where he perished on The Emerald Moon freeing The Dragons and saving Rhyst.


Lady Kaida Valsi

(1020AC - 1034AC)
The Harbinger of Compassion, the successor to Harbinger Karol K'pyr. Being born and raised on the farming island of Gillua, she quickly found herself driving towards the top as she became one of Providence's best doctors and field medics. She is the creator of medical rituals and the owner of the local tea shop. She strives towards creating happiness for every person she can, conveying her compassion to all those that need it. Her specialties involves matters related to the Astral Sea or in the medical department. Following Duke Luka Pavlova's rise to dukedom, Valsi was dismissed from her position. Joining the new Duke in a fight against the Aspect of Undeath, she willingly offered to lay down her life to protect the Pavlova. Her final moments are a testament to her title as the Harbinger of Compassion.


Lord Constantine Sanctus

(1025~AC - 1034AC)
The Harbinger of Growth; Constantine Sanctus succeeded the seat of Harbinger Gradok Brak. An avid scholar, this Harbinger gladly took on the arduous task of researching all things Extraplanar and cataloging everything he could find. Taking on Harbinger Brak's role as head of the Research Team, he's been a public supporter of any new projects within Providence and has offered his own aid, be it large or small, all under the motto of, "For a Better Providence." Sanctus is known to particularly specialize in matters of the Void. Though dismissed from his post with Duke Luka Pavlova's succession, he served the reformed Court as the Research Minister. Finalizing his research upon a vital city project, he quietly retired from his duty.
