Fort Urosil

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The Realm's Radical Bastion.


Fort Urosil; A military enclave of the socialist council-republic, the Realm of Arlandria. Established by one of the major powers of Rhyst on the shores of Sarea as a part of the turn of the millennia colonization of the isle, Fort Urosil has managed to make itself a divisive entity; if one whose service on the field is unquestionable. A loyal and tight-knit force, exceptionally focused on combatting the cults and forces of Oberon and Vul'karik, the defeat of the most major demons and armies' successes lie at their feet.

However, their equally worrying propensity for subverting and holding onto the powers of the extraplanar is well known. Witches have sought 'redemption', demons held for profane experiments, and the welding of magic to their own soldiers through questionable means is known across Sarea.

Whispers surround the powers at the top. The aging vanguard of those Arlandrians who first defended Sarea are spoken of to have been warped; Body, mind, and soul to powers from beyond. A fairy, a shimmerbeast, and a high faerlan? Cultists to Titania, the Shimmer, and the Unseelie...? And their notable aggression and incursions to pursue their brand of justice has assuredly not rendered them universal allies.

Whatever the truth may be, the expectations of Arlandrian culture remain in full effect, and the upper echelons remain intense and steadfast to those above them. But, for how long? Compelled by what magic? It's said that their ranks swell with defectors and misfits from abroad.

The Wealdwalkers continue to march, regardless.


The original builders of Fort Urosil remain shrouded in mystery. Numerous walls and crumbling columns seemingly date back decades, or even centuries past the apparent arrival of the island.

Renovated from ruins by the initial scouting expeditions, and woven together and irrigated by druids and botanists alike, Fort Urosil is a renovated structure from ancient remnants; Shifting it from a basecamp of scouts to a full enclave and settlement of Arlandria in YR 1000.

The Arlandrian enclave was originally set up with Seer Ivy's Grace, Seer Verdan's Phyto, and Seer Naakesh D'arcy, in council with expedition leaders Captain Onyx Thyrn, Captain Eo Calanna and Captain Zenaris. The fort is nominally named, to public knowledge, of the sprout of Yggdrasil so named that resides at the center of the fortress to gird off the forces of the Convergence; Brought directly as a sapling from the mainland.

They had a diplomatic agreement from the early agreement of YR 1000, soon after first landing, with Isegradian counterpart Providence; However, this collapsed formally under the declaration of Operation Oberon in Providence. The attempt to jail and bind Faerla to service against the High Faerla under the thought that the faeborn could be mind controlled lead to a formal embargo that ended with the release and reimbursement of those affected. Even so, it left the situation between the bastions of the major powers uneasy by the time of YR 1006.

Fort Urosil has made it's presence known to some infamy as the foremost extension of law across the broad of the Sarea. The toes of many independent settlers have been trampled by their dogged pursuit of bandits, necromancers, and warlords; However, few can contest the proactivity of the Arlandrian forces on Sarea, who have often been the first to rush to aid allies or scourge enemies of the Realm alike; Some merely wish they were less so.

With public-available trial logs, it was the head of defeating the initial rogue's gallery of criminals on the nascent face of Sarea in the early years, and has had a heavy hand since in setting out in defense of the spirits. Leading the first clash against the ancient Arcadian king Nexus, when he was unsealed from underneath the Caldera, and carrying a majority of forces against the invitation of the High Fae Nirya and and Rakshasa Eight after early investigations located their presence.

Split into major expeditionary branches of the Seekers, research and development, and the Sylvan Shield, physical forces, Fort Urosil continues to hold a strong presence on Sarea into the 10s.

With the vanishing of Seer Verdan's Phyto early in the YR 1000, thought to have been one of the earliest victims of the High Faerla, Captain Eo Calanna held the position of Acting Seer for several years, and ultimately abdicated the role to the new appointment Seer Van'chiriel Enathrae. Captain Onyx Thyrn's recall to the mainland has lead to Captain Mercury and Captain Clementine's appointment by YR 1006.

Major Figures

Current Leadership


Seer Van'chiriel Enathrae

1003-1006 (Captain)
The gem-haired Seer of Fort Urosil. Following the absence and retirement of the settlement's initial Seers, Van'chiriel Enathrae - a prominent and active bureaucrat in the new settlement - was chosen for the role. Seer Chiriel was instrumental through the initial chaos that befell Sarea under the eve of the Convergence, fighting on the front lines against Nexus Averant and pushing the settlement as a whole to chase darkness out of hiding throughout the isle. Under their leadership, Fort Urosil has captured and put to trial many worshippers of the void. Though some shy from the Seer - whispering of their odd abilities to warp flesh and control the domain of the body itself, they are popular with those loyal to the settlement.


Seer Gwendolyn Boughspoken

Blessed as a Fairy to succeed them, Gwendolyn Boughspoken first succeeded Kraeshir on the council. Later, she would form the third of the triumvirate of the Fortress raised from the council after the retirement of Red Ash since 1021. Bright and whimsical, Gwendolyn has served as Urosil's protector and caretaker since her bond forged with the essence of Titania's servants, seeking to return the Great Tree once more to the First Grove. On the front line against the extraplanar threats to Rhyst time and time again, and her small, flickering presence is often found on shoulder or flitting about the square. She is, equally, a menace to Maxwell's storage room.


Seer Owain Skarn

1027-1031 (Councilman)
Urosil's one-eyed Knight of Hope. Originally an anima sent by the Arlandrian homeland to tend to the needs and growth of the misplaced children of Sylva, the aspiring Hero was welcomed into the walls of Urosil by the King of Hope under the banner of the Order of Seasons where he grew and fought in the hopes of a better Sarea. It is no secret that he calls upon a divine light in the field of battle, though this strange illumination is far different from the art of evocation.


Medical Officer Tikale

A lionkin whose only known Sarea as a home, she was raised by her father, who most know as The Physician, to aid the isle in overcoming the Convergence. A bright-eyed cynic, she's since become a stalwart proponent of Rhyst. She tirelessly works to aid the sick and injured, never quite able to distance herself from the allure of knowledge, books, work, or research. A scuttler is often seen aiding her in some way, a friend she made from working with Dirt that has never left her side since.


Chronicler Sazha

Native of Aquitania, Sazha is a lionkin and accomplished Druid and Oneiromancer. As the Chronicler of the Fort of Urosil, she spends much of her time recording historical events for the annals of the Fort's library. She is also a well-respected doctor, earning her credentials under Tikale's esteemed tutelage. An effervescent empath, she is oft found bending an ear to hear the troubles of the people of Urosil and beyond.


Wealdwalker Captain Ana Ka'rimah

Commander in chief of the Wealdwalkers and bodyguard to the Council, Ana Ka'rimah is a woman of little mirth and intense presence. A former Imperial soldier, veteran of Kal Azul, she arrived in Sarea shortly after the year 1018 and immediately ingratiated herself among the Arlandrians, owing to the long history of mistreatment of Wildkin by the Empire. She has since quickly risen through the ranks and cultivated a personality of angry no-nonsense humorlessness that is, to this day, still her most defining quality.

Seeker Captain Cerise Calanna



Provost Marshal Honor

Provost Marshal Honor is a man who strives for peace at all costs. A native of Sarea, Honor has earned their position through over a decade of service to Fort Urosil. A veteran of the Demon War and the War of the Pyre Witch, Provost Honor settled into their role overseeing the occupation of Lett'Mora with their usual outlook; ambitious, efficient, and driven.

Former Leadership


Seer Ivy's Grace

Retired (1000-1007)
A relatively diminutive Hedera, Grace not only served as the primary contact on the expedition and established the First Providence-Urosil Alliance, but also served as Chief Justice for judicial matters, assuring harmony through being the primary organizer throughout the early 1000s, overseeing much of the initial handling of the Fort's affairs throughout her tenure. Known for her strong opinion on justice and proactive combatance of threats, Grace's staunch and passionate assertations on Sarea on behalf of opposing what she felt to be injust earned both devoted loyalists and displeased opposition. Stepped down from the position into retirement for a happy romantic union with Molly McKevitt of Lilymire in ER 1007.


Seer Naakesh D'arcy

Retired (1000-1009)
A masked Faerla known for a reticent demeanor. Expert of knowledge on Yggdrasil, and the planes beyond, Seer Naakesh D'arcy was the Council's choice for reference on dealing with extraplanar contact and research. Known for their reclusion following the disappearance of her significant other, Seer Naakesh generally emerges in regards to requests for consultation on such matters.


Seer Eo Calanna

Retired (1000-1006)
A decently statuesque and slender Faerla, Eo served as the head researcher of the Arlandrian expedition into the Isle of Sarea, and was later appointed diplomatic liaison to Providence in the early 1000s and served as the spearhead of the research expeditions during Fort Urosil's time. She was promoted from the rank of Expeditionary Captain to Seer right before the turn of the year 1001, with the mysterious disappearance of the intended Seer, Verdan's Phyto. She stepped down from the position in YR 1006, to pursue research directly and depart from the political to focus more on advancement of understanding of the Sylvan Dream and the Faewild on behalf of Arlandria and all of Sarea.


Seer Red Ash

Retired (1009-1021)
A jaguarkin from Riven Ark who pledged his services to Fort Urosil and Arlandria at the landing of the expedition, and formally swore fealty in the year 1002. The expert on entities of the Void and a known ritualist, he lead research into the condition of Nexus Averant. Alongside researcher Ri and medical expert Tikale, he re-empowered the sigil of Briar Six and fought through the depths of Arcadia to bring the former King of Arcadia and the wayward Hederan smith peace at last, hundreds of years later. The Head of Internal Security, he oversaw operations and protected Fort Urosil from threats, alongside aiding new recruits to the Sylvan Shield. Retiring in the early 20s after a decade-long of service, he returned to his homeland of Riven Ark to enact changes.


Seeker Captain Kraeshir Thalraen

Retired (1009-1015)
A Seeker and Archeologist who was previously the second hand man of Eo Calanna, Kraeshir's assumption of the duties of leading the Seekers resulted in a new wave of expeditions into the depths of Sarea. Having served diligently throughout the fights against Nirya and Rakshasa Eight, bringing in the poisons of the otherworldly taint of the Faewild and diving into the depths of the former civilizations of Sarea. He lead the current expeditions to uncover more of the history and secrets of the isle, and guided new academics along their path. Retired to teach on the mainland.


Seer Clementine Skarn

Deceased (1006-1031)
Former Captain of investigation appointed after Seer Calanna stepped down, Clementine Skarn was one of the most controverial Seers of Fort Urosil; A truth mage of seeming whimsy and immediate action. Few, however, can contest the deadly efficiency of his magical experience and knifeplay, responsible for bringing down the Syllthas clan and hunting out cultists aggressively and fiercely at the side of Seer Ivy's Grace and Seer Van'chiriel Enathrae. One of the heroes of rescuing the Great Spirit Sylva of the Undergrowth from Nirya and Rakshasa Eight, he was involved on the final push against the High Faerla's initial invasion. In the process of breaking Relkath's control over Sylva's Dream and the First Grove, he passed away in the year 1031 according to official reports.


Castellan Maxwell Artwaltz

Retired (1009-1038)
Castellan of the Inner Keep, Maxwell is perhaps best known for being the logistics expert of Fort Urosil, having obtained a writ of dual citizenship between the Empire and the Realm in an attempt to foster goodwill. His supplies of the common troops and dispensation of funds have been a driving force following the retirement of Treasurer Mercury, and he remains the first contact for coin in the settlement. Formed Sarea's first fine dining restraunt, Max's Wellspring, on the first floor of the inner keep of Fort Urosil. He has been retired from the Council, but continues to serve over Fort supplies.