White Wolf

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The White wolf
This information is Unofficial Canon

The White Wolf is one of the minor Wildkin Guardian Spirits.


The White Wolf is somewhat unique among Wildkin patrons in that it shares (or infringes upon) the domain of another. While The Great Direwolf holds domain over canid wildkin it is also the domain of The White Wolf.

There are many disputes and theories on the relationship between the two. Some suggest The White Wolf is an extension of the Great Direwolf's influence, a spirit in service to the Major Guardian, who watches over the Direwolf's most favoured. However, it's a far more common theory that The White Wolf is a contender for the Great Direwolf's domain, stealing away those that would otherwise have the Direwolf's blessing.


While the Direwolf represents pack-like loyalty, The White Wolf presents a contrast in representing independence, self-reliance and forging one's own identity. Some see this as reinforcement that the White Wolf exists in competition with the Great Direwolf, but many agree that these two natures do not need to be mutually exclusive.

Those blessed by the White Wolf are often those with a drive to perfect an art, craft or trade and usually with an emphasis on personal expression.


Unlike other Wildkin guardians, where most can be chosen by the participant, the White Wolf appears to bestow it's challenge upon it's own chosen. When a budding wildkin takes the trial of the Great Direwolf, there is a small possibility that they'll instead be greeted by an avatar of the White Wolf, or even the White Wolf itself.

It offers an additional challenge. Instead of simply felling a terrifying beast, it adds additional terms. Slay a dominant predator before it finds it's own prey; with two or more senses restricted. Whether they are sight, sound, scent or touch is entirely up to the participant's preference.

Completing the hunt with these additional rules earns the blessing of the White Wolf, over the Great Direwolf.

Cultural Impact[edit]

There are many interpretations of what the White Wolf's nature is, and it's blessing is often divisive. Some consider it a rogue spirit, severed from it's domain and encroaching on another. Some followers of the Great Direwolf perceive it as an encroachment of their Guardian's status. Depictions of the spirit by those who hold this perspective often portray it with a mocking grin.

Others see it as an assistant, a spirit operating under the Direwolf and providing it's own blessing as a servant. Such beliefs usually consider it's blessing the same as that of the it's master spirit. Imagery of the White Wolf in this line of thought usually show it to have a carefree and lazy smirk.

Then there are many of the few who carry it's blessing. They often feel themselves chosen, in possession of a purpose to hone the art of the hunt to perfection. They see the White Wolf as a creature of guidance, one that pushes them against the grain to come out as more than they were. They frequently attribute a reassuring and encouraging smile to the White Wolf.

Though for all beliefs on the topic the true nature of this elusive spirit is as of yet unknown.


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