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"By the glory of Titiana, you are saved"

Epithet: Mother of Fairies

History and Myth

Following Oberon, and the two Eidolons that would become the Unseelie and the Shimmer to the Faewild after the Sundering, Titania would not find an end to war soon. After the Shimmer committed the acts that would lead to Oberon shattering his name, the Mother of Fairies participated in war against what was once a dear comrade, followed by the war against the Unseelie when their bloodlust grew too strong. In the end, Oberon demanded the last other remaining Faewild Eidolon to serve him. However, Titania refused to be subjugated by the would-be king. Instead, Titania found what was considered to be the first form of life within the new cosmos; a single sapling growing from the mana ridden earth. She tended to it and throughout the Faes’ Contempt, she ensured it would grow. Eventually, Titania gave the great tree a name, Yggdrasil, and chose to bind herself to it.

Titania believed that Yggdrasil held the capability not only to protect her from Oberon, but to overpower him and any other enemies as well. While Oberon grew his living armies, Titania and Yggdrasil filled the Faewild with plantlife that grew without hindrance. Forests of giant, colorful trees covered the plane while countless flowers and other such things spread across the landscape. It was within the beauty of what she and Yggdrasil breathed life into that Titania bound her deadliest traps. Poisonous leaves and pollen now plague Oberon’s forces that try to move freely throughout the Faewild in search of Titania.

Many times, only a handful of Oberon’s soldiers ever managed to find Yggdrasil, and it was once their numbers had been cut down that Titania was able to defeat them herself. However, Oberon and the High Faerlan grew intelligent and adapted to the world Titania had crafted around them. Little by little, the High Faerlan left arcane enchantments and inscriptions around the forests near Yggdrasil, and once they made contact with the Arlandrians in Rhyst, their magic and spellcraft weakened it enough to allow for Felsen Skarn to summon the tree into the mortal realm.

Though this action managed to weaken Titania, it also backfired on Oberon’s servants as well, for the burst of planar magic that was unleashed as a result of the ritual wiped their memories and left them trapped within Rhyst far from a familiar home. Titania’s separation from Yggdrasil has weakened her. It is Titania’s ultimate will to have the tree return to the Faewild so that she may become whole once again. To this end, some of Titania’s fairies have been spotted within Rhyst as they probe for knowledge and insight into when and how Titania might make her move once again. Fortunately with some of his High Faerlan missing, Oberon has become distracted from his hunt and has turned his own focus to Rhyst as well.

Notable Creations


Aside from her hand in creating the natural wonders of the Faewild, Titania is known to be the Mother of Fairies. As she resided within Yggdrasil alone, Titania desired to know what the rest of her kin were doing within the Faewild. Prior to their death, Titania kept her eyes on the other two Fae Eidolons via fairies, creatures born of Yggdrasil’s own mana that were shaped in the form of the High Faerlan, though much, much smaller. Given their size, fairies made for the perfect spies, both in the Faewild and in Rhyst as well, and though they are not known for their strength, they are charismatic and manipulative and capable of granting mortal allies great and sudden boons of power.